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Real Dragon
Date: 5/5/1973Call Number: RD 041Producers: Lincoln Bergman, Claude MarksProgram: Real DragonCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Real Dragon celebrating Cinco de Mayo, Pinocchio spoof on Nixon and Watergate,
range of international news, Indochina, Wounded Knee and related Native American news.
The Road to Wounded Knee IV
Events on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota regarding Wounded Knee. Hour 4 of 5 hour program. Hour 4: An interview with Crow Dog, the chief spiritual advisor to AIM and the Independent Oglala Nation. Topics discussed: the red man philosophy of life, need for human recognition by the white man, spiritual and political leadership of AIM, situation and poverty of Indian People today, the Indian Way of Life, broken promises, white man brings sickness to western hemisphere, red man fighting for unborn generation, militancy as reaction to white man discrimination, Ghost Dance, reincarnation, “relation” concept as core of life, and Crazy Horse as savior.
Indigenous Resistance - Part 2 from Roots of Resistance
Chant in resistance to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (the BIA), by Native-American activists
“Radio Free Alcatraz” broadcast by the Indians of All Tribes on Alcatraz in 1969 – John Trudell, Richard Oakes and Don Cooney.
Wounded Knee mix with sounds of the American Indian Movement (AIM) – occupation, shots, FBI radio messages, and the voices of Dennis Banks and Carter Camp. Wounded Knee was also the site of an 1890 genocidal massacre of the Sioux Nation by the US cavalry.
3 Documents Found