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Date: 8/16/1975Call Number: NI 077Producers: Claude Marks, Lincoln BergmanProgram: NIMPTCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
Program begins with report on Joan Little's acquittal, featuring actuality of Little describing her case and its relevance to the movements of women, prisoners, and oppressed people everywhere. Reports on San Quentin 6 trial; police violence in Riverside, CA; Eldridge Cleaver's latest break with radical politics; and antiracist struggles in Boston. There is a lengthy report on the American Indian Movement occupation of the Department of the Interior in Portland to draw attention to the ongoing violence at Pine Ridge, with a recording from inside the building occupation, followed by additional reports of repression against AIM. Program ends with international news from Reports from Vietnam, Korea, Angola, and the effect of African liberation movements on Portugal society and politics (with actuality of Philip Agee comparing Portugal to Chile).
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